Great web design is a combination of form and function in a way that makes a website enjoyable, navigable, interesting, and usable. A website is not only a platform for customers to buy products and services you are selling, but it is also a way for visitors to learn more about the company and create a recall value. When creating your website, it is important to plan out your website, know its purpose, design it for the ultimate user experience, and avoid mistakes. This is one reason most people and companies will actually hire a company that is also experienced in branding services, to ensure their website looks, feels and functions well for an outstanding customer experience.
1) Lack of Explicit Call to Action

2) Including Too Much or Too Little Information

3) Lack of Proper Contact Info

4) Slow Loading Web Pages

5) Confusing Navigation
It is essential for a website visitor to find what they are looking for quickly and easily. Your website’s navigation pattern is vital for helping them find what they need. If your website navigation is well structured and carefully designed visitors will be able to find what they’re looking for and will continue to explore your site.

6) Use of Irrelevant and Low-Quality Images

A great website will create a great user experience. Web design mistakes can seriously result in bad user experiences, resulting in damage to your brand’s reputation, and more. With all the things to handle as a business owner, hire a professional web designer to create the best website for your business. They can ensure your website generates effective leads by providing optimal the user experience for customers. This is why it is worth the investment to use the best Website Design and Development service to create the best website for your brand. Contact Us for more information.