Digital Marketing Trends for 2018

2018 is upon us. Every new year brings change along with it. Nowhere is that truer than in the digital marketing industry. So, to keep you up to date, here is what you need to know so you can keep creating those Aha! Moments for your audience in 2018. Whether we like it or not, our audiences’ behaviour changes, technology changes, and our businesses change. That’s why it’s crucial for marketers to stay current with all the latest digital marketing trends. Get comfortable, grab a notebook, and get ready to learn. We’re going to show you how to get the most of your digital marketing efforts in 2018.

Marketing Trend #1: Content is still the king of digital marketing

Seems obvious, right? Actually, it’s not as obvious as you may think. Some marketers still ignore the fact that you can’t create a positive customer experience without quality content. According to Google’s Zero Moment of Truthbrands now have more touchpoints than ever. That means customers interact with your brand multiple times (most often through multiple channels) before becoming buyers. Given all the different touchpoints and channels, can you guess which element is the most important? You got it, content. Now, 89% of brands are using content marketing to get the attention they want. However, content can be created with an endless combination of tones, formats, and goals. So, it’s still possible to stand out from the crowd.

Marketing Trend #2: Content marketing jobs will continue to change

Content has become a vital asset to any marketing effort. However, digital channels have changed dramatically over the past few years. As a result, content marketing has become way more complex. Gone are the days of coming up with a few blog posts and publishing them every once in a while. The good news is that you now have more interesting options that you can use to connect with your audience. Short, consumable content and live video are two great examples of changes that, while unheard of five years ago, are now core features of many major social media channels. Obviously, these new tools require marketers with new skillsets. Some skills that you should make sure to include on your marketing team are:

  • Graphic design and illustration.
  • Content optimization.
  • Audio and video production and editing.
  • Content promotion.
  • User experience.
  • Content distribution.

Marketing Trend #3: Personalization is a must

Beyond having a content marketing strategy, brands must make sure that their marketing campaigns create unique experiences for individual users. Whether you run a small blog or big e-commerce site, your users expect you to anticipate their needs so their journey is personalized at every step. While personalization can sound complex, it doesn’t have to be (well, at least in the beginning). You can start adding personalization to your marketing campaigns by simply using email marketing personalization features like:

  • Addressing your customers by their name instead of a generic “Hey There” or “Dear Friend.
  • Having a series of welcome emails for new subscribers that provide them valuable information.
  • Sending a post-purchase email after each sale from your website.
  • Thank users for their membership with an anniversary email.
  • Use time zone specific emails to deliver messages at the right time (which usually isn’t 3 am).

If you’re not doing this already, you’ll soon see how these tiny changes can make a big difference to your users. In the meantime, you should get working on more accurate (and complex) ways to improve the customer experience.

Marketing Trend #4: Micro-moments are the key to outperforming competitors.

96% of users do some kind of research before reaching the decision stage. This usually takes place across multiple channels with multiple devices. So, what’s the opportunity? If you can correctly anticipate your customers’ needs, you can change intent to action. That’s why it’s crucial that your brand delivers the right pieces of information at each stage of the customer journey. It can be tough to nail all of the micro-moments. The key to success is learning more and more about your customers while also allowing the data to guide your decisions. It’s best to think of it as a cycle. The better you know your customers, the better your promotions will be. The better your promotions, the better you know your customers. As a first step, you can gather data by:

  • Researching your customers’ buying cycles.
  • Analyzing related search results.
  • Collecting competitors’ mentions.
  • Employing social listening.

Marketing Trend #5: Social media channels will overlap more and more

Live video, infographics, and other visual content are going to continue flooding social media channels in 2018. Does this mean that your company should be active on every single social media channel? Actually, it’s the opposite. Given the fact that most social media channels offer many of the same features, you can now step back and analyze the whole digital landscape. You should identify which channels are best for your brand before carefully choosing where to invest your time and resources. This approach becomes especially important if you’re a startup or a company with a small marketing team. You always can move to more channels later on.

Marketing Trend #6: Distribution is more important than ever

What’s the first thing you do after finishing some content? If you imagine yourself posting the exact same thing on every channel then you really need to keep reading. Sharing the same link or picture everywhere doesn’t work anymore. Yes, even if you do it at different times. As content has become an important part of marketing strategies, you can bet more companies are investing in it. So, how do you get an edge when your competitors are creating so much content? Well, you can improve how you distribute it across all your platforms to make sure your multi-channel experience is top-notch. To better distribute your content, you need to understand the features of each channel so that you can make the most of it every time you click “share.” These are a few elements thqt you need to consider when distributing your content:

  • Paid versus non-paid tactics
  • A channel’s purpose
  • The channel’s features
  • Language
  • The content’s format
  • Content length

If you do it right, you can deliver an experience that will have your audience coming back for more.

Marketing Trend #7: Live video continues its take over

As peoples’ attention spans continue to decrease, it’s easy to see why short, digestible content is the star of the content marketing world. In a recent study, Contently states that “the future of media and marketing is video. They backed that up with some interesting facts and predictions:

  • Video succeeds because it incorporates the four elements that we’re wired to pay attention to: faces, voices, body language, and movement.
  • Videos are replacing photos as the primary medium that we use to create and share memories.
  • When it comes to traffic, videos appear to bring a lot of it. BuzzFeed has more than 7 billion monthly views, most of which can be attributed to video content.
  • By 2020, 82% of all consumer internet traffic will be comprised of video.
  • By 2020, 5G networks, which are over 10 times faster than 4G networks, will be commonplace.
  • 85% of SMBs currently use video or intend to start using it soon.

In addition, it’s well known that brands who use video have higher engagement rates, CTR, and conversion rates. If you want to learn more, you can see Contently’s Visual Study right here.

Marketing Trend #8: Digestible content will be the most engaging

With the rise of ephemeral (short, easily-digestible) content on Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook, “stories” have become the tool that brands are relying on to strengthen their relationships with their customers. However, “engagement” doesn’t mean a better CTR or conversion rate (though it’s possible) but better “top of mind awareness” and brand perception. That’s because this content, by its nature, is meant to show the authentic side of a brand and the people who are behind it. As a result, more and more companies are developing two content separate strategies for Instagram and Facebook. One that focuses on traditional content and other aimed at ephemeral and branding-related content. When compared to traditional content, there are a few advantages of ephemeral content:

  • Since this content is only around for only a few hours, the potential fear of missing out increases. As a result, users tend to take action faster.
  • It allows you to let your inner storyteller shine.
  • It’s focused on the people behind the brand.
  • It is location based.
  • It’s mobile-focused.

Even though this type of content can be time-consuming and hard to manage, it’s still a good idea to develop a separate strategy for it.

Marketing Trend #9: Influencer marketing continues to grow (but it will get harder)

Attention has become the Internet’s currency. As customers tend to react positively to authenticity, more and more brands are trying to get their content in front of their ideal target market using influencers. In fact, a recent study by Tomoson found that more than 75% of marketers are currently using some form of influencer marketing. What’s even more interesting is that 59% of them are planning to increase their budgets. With that in mind, you can expect a lot more posts from niche micro-influencers who are collaborating with brands. Nevertheless, reaching your audience using influencers will get harder as more and more companies try to get in on the trend. If you’re going to do it, you need to do it right. Start by putting the numbers aside when you’re figuring out which influencers will be the best fit for your brand. Instead, base it on their fit with your company’s brand positioning and values.

Marketing Trend #10: Authenticity and empathy are the secret ingredients to great communication

With more brands producing content, doing influencer marketing, and paying for sponsored content, customers are growing skeptical of the content and relationships they see on digital channels. That said, marketers have a chance to turn things to their favour. Those who are looking at this trend as an opportunity rather than a threat will be the ones who can take advantage and win the hearts of potential customers. As users become more distrustful, brands need to double down on the values that most users value. Things like empathy, transparency, and authenticity will be key to the success of future marketing campaigns. If you didn’t have time to read the whole article, this is what you need to know about digital marketing in 2018:

  • Make content the foundation of your marketing strategy
  • Invest in new marketing talent
  • Use personalization to deliver a better customer experience
  • Nail on your target customers’ micro-moments
  • Re-think which social media channels you use
  • Work on your content distribution strategy
  • Use live video
  • Invest in short, easily-digestible content
  • Be careful with influencer marketing
  • Win your customers’ hearts with authenticity and transparency

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Art Director

Anna Kozlova
Minsk, Belarus

With in-depth and comprehensive experience in all aspects of design, both online and off, Anna heads our design department in delivering exceptional design-led communications, imagery, and iconography. Working quickly and iteratively, whilst keeping the focus on the end-user, she generates concepts and ideas that have meaning as well as purpose.

Founder & President

Donowan Fowke

Winnipeg, Canada

Chief Strategy Officer & Partner

Alan Boyd

Operations Director

Barindra Nath
Minsk, Belarus

Bari’s CV reads like a who’s who of international company experience, best-in-class business certifications and methodologies, and an all-round knowledge and experience of technology and processes, he would put us all to shame. With that he manages and maintains commitment and delivery across all departments and teams. So essentially for us, he’s our operations quarterback ensuring that all plays are in place, and everyone and everything gets to the end zone on-time, in-budget, and with sanity’s intact!

Marketing Specialist

Stanislav Dylenok

Minsk, Belarus

Work as digital marketing team-lead specialist for canadian clients in Symbicore’s team, providing strategic marketing for customers in fields of christian education, logistics, realty business, IT, and etc
I graduated from the IPM course (under the CIM program) “Marketing Professional” as the best in the group. I also have a diploma in working with key employees of client firms (Up & Up course). At the moment I am undergoing training in CIM on the specialty “Digital marketing Strategy”

Senior Developer

Andrey Mikhaltsov
Minsk, Belarus

As Senior Developer, Andrey leads our development department, and when not coding and testing himself, he oversees the work of the development team in delivering robust, efficient, and secure solutions that deliver real value for clients and company. Specializing in PHP but always with an inquisitive and learning eye on other languages and frameworks, Andrey looks to expand the horizons of what’s possible with code, so that our customers can be sure they’re ahead of the game, and in front of audiences everywhere – online, on mobile and in-cloud.


Inna Gutsaliuk
Minsk, Belarus

Specializing in WordPress, Inna codes and develops websites of increasing complexity with inherent simplicity. Not only to ensure our clients have the most effective and functional presence online, but their customers have the best user-centric experience possible, Inna works with a can-do attitude and a will-do work ethic.

SEO specialist

Gary Singh

Gary is responsible for managing Organic SEO campaigns for all the projects. That includes strategic planning and implementation of various optimization techniques on client sites to increase their online organic traffic. He has strong command in Organic SEO for Google, Online Reputation Management and Technical audits for website performance.

UI/UX Designer

Olivia Akulich
Minsk, Belarus

Olivia specializes in UX/UI design to deliver online customer experiences and user journeys that are innovative as well as intuitive. With an emphasis on style complimented with functionality, Olivia designs to ensure everything not only looks good, but importantly, works well – essential for creating value for clients and their customers alike.

QA Specialist

Aleksey Ermak

Minsk, Belarus

Aleksey is a quality assurance specialist whose activities are aimed at improving the software development process, preventing defects and identifying errors in the product.

Graphic Designer

Victoria Petrova

Minsk, Belarus

Victoria a graphic designer with more than 17 years of experience in the field of packaging design from concept to production and accompanying promotional products and printed materials (flyers, leaflets, brochures, booklets, catalogs, posters, banners). She also proficient in prepress, color separation layouts, supervision of the implementation of projects (print labels, packaging, tubes), rebranding and layout correction, elaboration of the elements of corporate identity (logo, business cards, letterheads, postcards, calendars), and others.

Project Manager

Diana Albakri

Minsk, Belarus

Diana is responsible for process and quality control, planning and prioritizing tasks on a daily basis to assure that we are meeting our deadlines and keeping our clients satisfied, as well as handling the internal and external communication.

Financial Business Analyst

Ulyana Grib

Minsk, Belarus

Marketing Specialist

Camille Aguila

Winnipeg, Canada

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